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Long shot...need a ticket stub for AU game from this season

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 9:46 am
by muxi87
Ok guys, an Auburn fan comes in peace. I know you could probably care less being "rival" fans and all, but this is kinda the last reasort for me--the only game I couldn't attend this past year was the Ole Miss game. I've looked everywhere, talked to some friends that graduated from Ole Miss even, but can't find a stub anywhere.

If anyone can help me out, I'd be very appreciated.

For anyone that can help, you are welcome to tailgate with my group at the game at JHS next year. We are in the interior of campus, about as close to the stadium as you can get. 2 plasma tvs with direct tv and usually a decent spread...and always some drinks.

Please shoot me a pm if you have one, or email me at my username

Thanks guys...and bring back Colonel Reb!