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Thoughts about the game

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:11 pm
by sternotwo
It has been a pleasure to lurk on your board for the last few weeks. Your fans and team seem to be about as classy as they can get.

Ole Miss Offense:

-Started out very tight on offense. It loosened up as the game went on, but that might have also been the switch in quarterback. The offense appeared to struggle finding a flow. The play calling didn't appear to complement what was coming or set up future plays.
-Stoudt appeared to come out with something to prove. Being third string up until a week or so before the game definately left him with something to prove. He has a great arm and appears to have pretty good vision down the field. He might not give up his spot after that second half.
-Your O-line was as massive as advertised. They did great in pass blocking. They were inconsistent in the run game. One down they would open up a huge hole and the next get very little push. This appeared to be more connected to play calling than effort. The injuries to the RB's didn't help with consistencies in the run game. I hope your running backs recover quickly and are able to contribute the rest of the season.
-Your TE (17?) looked great out there. Nice routes and nice hands.
-Your WR looked big and athletic. They will only get better.

Ole Miss Defense:
-Great penetration at times by your DL. They weren't pushed around and were able to assert themselves when they wanted to.
-LB did a great job of controling the running game of BYU. Big, fast and athletic would describe them well. The misdirection confused them a little, but they seemed to recover and do well with plays after they saw them.
-DB's were the area I thought would be the weak link for Ole Miss, and boy was I wrong. They were great in coverage, blitz packages and in run support.
-Special Teams were great. Between your punter and PR/KRs I think they will keep you in many games.

Overall the thing that stood out to me the most in the game was the pressure on both teams. The players seemed to want perfection on every play. Improvement comes in steps and I think that both teams wanted that improvement now. It messed with their heads and they played tight. I believe that both teams will look a little more relaxed next week. I think your team has the parts to put together a solid year. With two games to clean up some things I think your offense will come together. If the coaches can clean up their playcalling and help your team loosen up you will move into the SEC play ready to win some games. Good luck the rest of the season.